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Kings Be Hanged

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tl Idee & Erstellung tr

Phillip the Great

Spieleranzahl: Eins (kampf)
Größe: 276 KB
Datum: 2005
Schwierigkeit: 3
Ziel: -Zwei Städte mit jeweils 10000 Einwohnern, davon jeweils 2500 Aristokraten errichten
-Den gelben und weißen Spieler und die Piraten vernichten
-Monopol auf Wein und Gewürze erlangen

L et them call it mutiny, high-treason, absent without leave, rebellion, and theft of the King's property. Even the word "Pirate" has been used to describe you for your foolish decisions. You have made a pact and treaties with enemies you have fought against your entire life. But to steal ships from your King, temporaily join His Majesty's enemies, and try to build your own empire??? How foolish can you be? Your King is so angry at your revolt that you have been chased into an island chain even the bravest would not dare. Now rumor has it that a bounty has been placed on your head and both the pirates abound as do your previously mortal enemies. Smite them all, destroy everyone in your path, and dare your King to invade your new home by successfully building 2 capitals of mass and strength with more than 10,000 inhabitants with 2,500 Aristocrats. Only when you have built 2 metropolis cities and are worthy of a Cathedral and Palace shall you be feared and laugh with glee as your King's ships flee.

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