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King Georges Demand 2

Vorschaubild (./minimap/kinggeorgesdemand.gif)

tl Idee & Erstellung tr

Big Tiny

Spieleranzahl: Eins (friedlich)
Größe: 106 KB
Datum: 2000
Schwierigkeit: 3
Ziel: -Zwei Städte mit jeweils 1000 Einwohnern, davon jeweils 600 Kaufleute errichten
-Stadt mit 1600 Einwohnern, davon 1000 Aristokraten errichten
-Dem blauen Spieler zu 950 Einwohnern, davon 300 Aristokraten verhelfen
-Monopol auf Gold und Eisenerz erlangen

B ecause of your faithful service and extraordinary skill as a leader, you are hereby commanded by your liege, King George, with the task of populating a group of newly discovered islands. You are required to populate three of these islands. One must reach a population of 1600 inhabitants with 1000 being of aristocratic status. The two remaining islands of your choice must reach 1000 inhabitants with 600 of those being merchants. Also, you will need to secure a monopoly of any and all ore to be found on these island.

I n addition to your currant assignment, you will need to help your predecessor, Prince Stephen, who has failed. Aid him in completing his contract with the King. He must settle an island and reach a population of 950 inhabitants with 300 being aristocrats. Finally, be on the look out for those scurvy pirates and ruthless poachers who love to disrupt our way of life with their disrespect for our authority in these new found waters. Gods be good to you in your mission! You must begin at once for the King grows impatient!

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