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River Plunge

Vorschaubild (./minimap/riverplu.gif)

tl Idee & Erstellung tr


Spieleranzahl: Zwei (friedlich)
Größe: 185 KB
Datum: 2006
Ziel: -Stadt mit 1000 Einwohnern, davon 800 Kaufleute errichten
-Gesamtbilanz von 500 Talern erzielen
-Handelsbilanz von 300 Talern erzielen
Bemerkung: Auch als 3er und 4er Version erhältlich

T his may seem like continuos play but it isn't. Tools, wood and food amounts are the same(more or less), but to complete this mission you must attempt to have 1000 inhabitants on the Island which has your warehouse upon it, and have 800 merchants as well. Secondly you must have an overall balance of 500 gold and have a trade balance of 300 gold. For those who Multiplayer via the internet this is a good multiplayer map. For those who are not red player the Island you start on will have to do. Red warehouse is on an Island I made, lots of rivers.

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