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tl Idee & Erstellung tr

The Punisher

Spieleranzahl: Eins (kampf)
Gr�ße: 29 KB
Datum: 2006
Schwierigkeit: 2
Ziel: -Stadt mit 5000 Einwohnern, davon 1000 Aristokraten errichten
-Ein Schloss errichten
-Jeweils 50 t Gold und Alkohol einlagern
-Blauen und gelben Spieler vernichten
-Weissem Spieler zu 200 Einwohnern verhelfen
-Gesamtbilanz von 5000 Talern erzielen
-Handelsbilanz von 200 Talern erzielen

Y ou successfully got enough men and helped France(blue) to its assignment. But we have learned that Blue has been stealing our treasury slowly but surely. You succesfully defeated yellow last time, you have to defeat both with the aid of white. While also having 5000 inhabitants of which 1000 should be aristocrat, 5000 gold with a trade balance of 200. Help white get there goal of 200 inhabitants. Your other goal is to build a palace, and also to have 50t of gold and 50t of alcohol for the next part.

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