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Mess with America

Vorschaubild (http://www.annopool.de/thumbnail/mess_with_america.gif)

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Spieleranzahl: Eins (kampf)
Größe: 190 KB
Datum: 2005
Ziel: -Stadt mit 1200 Einwohnern, davon 700 Pioniere(?) errichten
-Blauen Spieler und die Piraten vernichten
Bemerkung: Laut Auftragstext sollten es 700 Aristokraten, anstatt Pioniere sein

T he invasion by americans failed. loyal Canadian soliders burned down the white house during a four day campaign of New York. Quebec colonial war is over. Americans retreated to their land. you are to return to Montreal city while the Canadian scouts report the fall of Prince Edward Island by the New York's 2nd naval reserve. The prince Edward's coastal defense fought bravely, but defeated. as a result American Navy lost 3/4 of its ships. you are to gather whatever resources you can find and lead a campagn against the invading american naval reserve and free the Isalnd. Unfortunately, you find out that Americans hired pirates to protect them from your forces, untill they can build more ships. in order to defeat both forces, you need to raise a population of 1200 in which there are 700 aristocrats. notice that the only lands available are not suitable for spices or cocoa, and there are no gold mines available. you are ready to surrenders, but you are met by the native algonquin chiefs that are ready to trade gold and spice for alcohol and cloth, in hopes of you defeating the americans that were so mean to them. one of the chiefs also tells you that if you want a more formatable spice stock there is an island in the Northwest, but it is infested with pirates. good luck and remember, if Canada is to gain independence it has to achieve it by being separate from Americans.

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