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A Fool's Paradise

Vorschaubild (./minimap/afoolsparadise.gif)

tl Idee & Erstellung tr

Unbekannter Autor

Spieleranzahl: Eins (kampf)
Größe: 72 KB
Datum: 2000
Schwierigkeit: 3
Ø Bewertung [1]: 6
Ziel: -Stadt mit 6500 Einwohnern, davon 4000 Aristokraten errichten
-Zweite Stadt mit 2500 Einwohnern errichten
-Den gelben Spieler vernichten
-Gesamtbilanz von 5000 Talern erzielen
-Handelsbilanz von 500 Talern erzielen

O ur previous effort to settle a lost region of the world known only as "The Ring Of Fire" has until now, and at great cost, been unsuccessful. Piracy and treachery abound there, and as a result, the free trade routes through these perilous waters have been cut off !. Scavenging natives and ruthless pirates will also be about, (although they cannot be trusted),You may "discover" they can be quite valuable to you,... when you need them most! You are on a mission of peace, but you will face an enemy to our cause!. Build ships and necessary troops and arm them heavily, enlist whom you must to assist you in defeating our arch-rival and claim his territory.

O ne will become an ally to you, he will be vital in assisting our cause for reopening trade throughout this region!. His Majesty requests that we establish a community of 6500 people or better, of these 4000 shall achieve status of Aristocrat. You should have on your final account balance 5000 in gold coin and your balance from trade should reach 500 in gold coin . Funds and resources have been provided, and your ship awaits you ! This day you shall sail under a new flag. Should you be successful in this assignment! It and all else shall be yours to fly proudly along your shorelines, along with a golden crown and scepter for you to rule your people with!.

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